

About Karisma

Karisma is a compact shopping centre, located in Lahti, for the whole family. It is easy to reach from any direction, regardless of how you get there: by car, bus, bicycle or on foot.

Opening hours

Karisma's stores are open year-round, on every day of the week. See each store's details for precise opening times.

Opening hours

Karisma's stores are open year-round, on every day of the week. See each store's details for precise opening times.

How to arrive

The Karisma shopping centre offers excellent shopping facilities for the entire family. It is in Lahti's Karisto, right beside the E75 motorway.

Contact and info

Kauppiaankatu 2 15160 Lahti info@kauppakeskuskarisma.fi

Contact and info

Kauppiaankatu 2 15160 Lahti info@kauppakeskuskarisma.fi